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LGCIE ladbrokes立博官网及活动

The Lewis and Gaines Center for Inclusion and Equity sponsors a variety of cultural and social activities. By doing so we promote awareness of, as well as demonstrate appreciation for, racial and ethnic diversity. LGCIE activities are open to all 布里奇沃特 State University students who wish to acknowledge and celebrate our diverse community.

Two students smiling and holding popsicles at the 色彩的飞溅 event


This event is an opportunity for multicultural clubs to showcase their clubs to first year students and for upperclass persons to share in their first year experience. Multicultural student organizations host a fair-like atmosphere by setting up informational booths around the perimeter of the RSU ballroom. During the second half of the event, returning undergraduates engage in a panel discussion to share their stories and answer any questions about student life. Light hors d'oeuvres are provided.

A closeup of a smiling student at the 黑人历史月 event


LGCIE hosts a banquet every February in honor of 黑人历史月. 学生 offer an array of activities to showcase the history of African American icons through music, 视频, 故事和舞蹈. Every year, the BSU community as a whole comes out to engage in the festivities in grand fashion.

A student draped in a kente cloth sash shakes hands with BSU president Fred Clark at the kente cloth ceremony


The Kente布艺仪式 is a time-honored, graduation tradition at 布里奇沃特 State University in which culture and scholarship are honored on behalf of undergraduate and graduate degree recipients. On occasions such as this, our graduates receive a Kente Cloth stole, which is representative of their ethnicity and a 布里奇沃特 State University pin, that signifies the life-long relationship that exists among alumni across our nation and throughout the world.

Kente is a hand-woven fabric, commonly prepared by members of the Asante and Ewe tribes in Ghana, 西非. 在11世纪, Ota Karaban and Kwaku Ameyaw developed the process of preparing Kente by watching a spider weave its web. Historically, Kente Cloth was only worn on special and sacred occasions by nobles and royalty. The attainment of a college degree is truly a sacred occasion that is worthy of celebration by all.

全国范围内, African American students of color graduating from majority population institutions adopted the practice of wearing Kente Cloth stoles at graduations from their peers at Historically Black 大学 and Universities. The Kente Cloth stole has become a symbol of unity and scholarship that binds students to their community, to their institution and to a considerable network of scholars. Faithfully mindful of our mission to celebrate diversity and promote inclusiveness, the Lewis and Gaines Center for Inclusion and Equity offers a variety of Kente Cloth stoles which serve to represent our many cultures.



LGCIE celebrates this African American tradition at the end of the fall semester. 学生, faculty and staff share a wonderful dinner and engage in activities that celebrate Nguzo Saba which are the seven principles of Kwanzaa. The principles evoke community, love and cultural traditions that allow us to celebrate together as one.

Close-up of a flyer for the annual Passover seder


Celebrating Passover by hosting a seder is a long-standing tradition of the LGCIE and Middle East Studies. Faculty, staff and students enjoy a traditional seder meal with a guest rabbi to perform the ritual.


斋月 is a holy month of fasting, introspection and prayer for Muslims, for the followers of Islam. It is celebrated as the month during which Muhammad received the initial revelations of the Quran, 穆斯林的圣书.


Lewis and Gaines Center for Inclusion and Equity

Rondileau Student Union, Room 101
布里奇沃特 State University
布里奇沃特, MA 02325

The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.